About Qawra - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Qawra recieved a rating of 4.2 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (12 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Qawra, St. Paul Bay
Qawra is a city in Malta. It is located northeast of the island of Malta, and with it forms a part of Bugibba St. Paul's Bay. It is popular among tourists and is home to a number of hotels and restaurants. Although there is no beach, many people swim and bathe near the rocks, which offers ample space for sun bathing. It is popular with tourists who like to go to sea at night.
Qawra is also the site with many towers built by Knights of St. John. Qawra Tower is now a restaurant. The city is home to many water sport activities desfasurtate including banana rides and boat pulled by speed boats. The area is also well known as the "tourist" Malta, because of the multitude of bars, which broadcasts British soccer matches. In summer, temperatures can reach 40 ° C, with an average of over 30 ° C. Casinos, bars, and clubs are also part of this small town. Qawra is also home to renowned nightclubs and bars. This resort is only 17.60 km from Valletta, the capital of Malta.
Qawra parish church is dedicated to St. Francis of Assisi. Parish of Qawra is also the parish and the neighboring town of Bugibba believers. Parish celebrates on September 17, commemorating St. stigmata. Francis. Qawra Church began work as a parish on 08 December 2004 and was the first parish priest Fr Zammit Gorge. Architect Richard England was the church building.
Qawra | Qawra is a city in Malta. It is located northeast of the island of Malta, and with it forms a part of Bugibba St. Paul's Bay. It is popular among tourists and is home to a number of hotels and restaurants
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