About St Pauls Bay All Locations - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Saint Paul's Bay (Maltese: San Pawl-Bahar, Italian: Baia di San Paolo) is a town in Malta, located northeast of the island of Malta, and 16 km from the city of Valletta (the capital). Its name refers to the shipwreck of St. Paul, as shown in Acts documents, according to tradition, St Paul shipwrecked on the island called Isle St. Paul, which is located in Gulf St. Paul.
According to the Bible, St Paul shipwrecked on an island, many scientists have identified it as Malta during their journey from Caesarea to Rome. Maltese population thinks that St. Paul was the one who founded Christianity on the island. Localities Burmarrad, Qawra, Bugibba, Xemxija, Mselliet and San Martin, and a part of Bidnija and Mistra, form part of the City Council IL-Bahar San Pawl. Town area is 14.47 square kilometers.
Resident population in December 2010 was 14,057 inhabitants. This population amounted to 60,000 between June and September. The increase is due both to Maltese residents, and tourists that come during this period, especially in Bugibba and Qawra.
Although the city is a modern tourist area, there are certain elements that naturally approaches it outlines. North is Mistra Bay Island St headland. Paul. Going westward moving on to Gnejna Bay and Golden Bay island, picturesque Wardija Ridge meet.
St Pauls Bay All Locations | Saint Paul's Bay (Maltese: San Pawl-Bahar, Italian: Baia di San Paolo) is a town in Malta, located northeast of the island of Malta, and 16 km from the city of Valletta (the capital). Its name refers to the shipwreck of St
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